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Do512 The Best Patio Bars & Restaurants in Austin

When it comes to restaurants and bars, a patio can be the make-or-break factor.

Especially here in Texas, where bright and shiny (READ: hot as hell) weather is a foregone conclusion for much of the year. Because of these certain realities, Austin boasts an abundance of places where the patio is not just a supplementary feature, it’s the main draw of the show. Here are some of our favorite patios in Austin to take a load off and day drink responsibly.

If you’ve been sleeping on Manuel’s, it’s time to wake up. Much of Manuel’s food repertoire is sourced from the interior and coastal mountainous regions of Mexico, making for a menu that’s quite a bit more adventurous than the standard Tex-Mex fare that their name might imply. Yucatán and other Gulf influences are all over the menu at Manuel’s, which serves to further diversify an already impressive array of choices. They also happen to have one of the best patios in the entire city. This massive, sprawling patio features tons of seating, big beautiful trees, and even a waterfall to stare at while you eat…